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Adapter-based Maps

Maps functionalities are abstracted in Pacem JS while their contextualization into a specific Maps technology is delegated to adapter interfaces.

Currently available adapters are:

Leaflet JS

Open source mappings with OpenStreetMaps tiles and LeafletJS engine flow naturally using the <pacem-map-adapter-leaflet> component (aka PacemLeafletMapAdapterElement).

Leaflet JS + OpenStreetMaps is the preferred option in Pacem JS. Updates to the API will be added giving priority to this technology.

Azure Maps

Azure cloud-powered maps are activated by referring the <pacem-map-adapter-azure> component (aka PacemAzureMapAdapterElement).

Google Maps

Google (well-known) maps are available via <pacem-map-adapter-google component (aka PacemGoogleMapAdapterElement).


WMS and TMS outputs can be easily overlayed to the map via the <pacem-map-layer> component.
In the following snippet a WMS tile layer gets added to the map (only for a specific zoom-range).